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We Have Everything You Need at the Dentist in Corpus Christi

August 14, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthompson @ 1:47 pm

We cover all your dental needs at the dentist in Corpus Christi You and your family need many different things from the dentist. Perhaps one of your teeth is beginning to slightly ache, or some of your children’s teeth are crowded and coming in crooked. Your partner has a chipped tooth, and you worry when you see your youngest running around playing sports. What if a tooth gets knocked out? It would be so simple to just have one place to go to address these various dental issues. If you are looking for a dentist in Corpus Christi, Dr. John T. Thompson and his team have you covered.

What Can We Do For You?

Every person has different teeth, and therefore needs a slightly different type of care. Teeth are changing and growing just like the rest of your body. This is especially true in children. We offer a variety of services to cover whatever dental needs might pop up for you or your loved ones. Those include:

  • Preventive Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Emergency Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry

Simple twice a year visits to the dentist can save you and your family from having to deal with serious dental issues. Brushing and flossing are essential, but they can’t accomplish as much as a professional cleaning from our team can. They are two are parts of a greater whole that is preventive dental care. The best away to address most dental problems is to stop them before they start. We can also handle issues with nighttime teeth grinding, or bruxism by making you a custom mouth guard. We even provide you the basic products for your oral hygiene routine at home so you can be covered in the time between visits. These cleanings and helpful tips are universal and are great for everyone at any age.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Sometimes, your smile needs a little help to shine its brightest. This is where our variety of cosmetic dentistry services can help you. You can take years off of your teeth in under an hour with our in-office teeth whitening, or choose to do it at home on your own schedule. You can straighten misaligned teeth without the discomfort of metal braces with the ClearCorrect system, which uses a series of clear aligner trays to gradually straighten your teeth over time. The trays are virtually invisible when worn, removable, and more cost effective than Invisalign. Porcelain veneers are thin coverings we bond to the front of your teeth that can instantly give you a smile makeover. The procedure is quick, painless, and gives a dramatic result. Should you have broken or damaged teeth, we can fully revitalize them with a ceramic restoration. They blend seamlessly with your natural teeth and are virtually chip-proof.

Restorative Dentistry

Teeth that may be missing or damaged can be brought back to life with restorative dentistry. Whether you are missing one tooth or multiple, our crowns and bridges can fill in the gaps seamlessly. Strangers will not be able to tell due to the high-quality ceramic material we use. We also offer a variety of dentures should you need them. They can be made to be easily removable for comfort, or built around implants for strength and reliability. Should your tooth become infected and painful, we can offer root canal therapy to save it. Our variety of sedation techniques will help this often feared procedure be a breeze, and leave you with no worries.

Emergency Dentistry

Life happens from time to time, and that can be quite hard on your teeth. Should you experience a dental emergency, such as a broken or lost tooth, crown, or severe tooth ache, please call us immediately. We will do everything we can to help you alleviate the pain before you arrive at the office. Once you get here, we will evaluate the situation and get to work fixing it.

Come See Us!
No matter what you or your family’s teeth need, we can take care of you. Please give Dr. John T. Thompson a call today if you have any questions!

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