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Emergency Dentist — Corpus Christi, TX

Professional Care When You Need It Most

patient visiting emergency dentist in Corpus Christi

Dental emergencies happen in the space between one second and the next causing pain, panic, and plenty of inconveniences. If you or a loved one is experiencing severe dental pain or a bad injury, do your best to stay calm. Time is often of the essence in these situations, so don’t wait – contact Dr. John Thompson right away for assistance! Our Corpus Christi team will do what we can to see you as soon as possible, and in the meantime, we guide you on how to stabilize and improve your condition until you arrive at our practice. If you need emergency dental care, give our office a call to make an appointment!

Why Choose John T. Thompson, DDS for Emergency Dental Care?

  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology
  • Accepts Patients of All Ages
  • We’ll See You As Quickly as Possible

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

man experiencing dental emergency in Corpus Christi

  • Call our office right away. The sooner you contact us, the more likely we’ll be able to effectively address the problem. Over the phone, we’ll provide first-aid instructions to help you manage your situation while you wait for your appointment.
  • See Dr. Thompson for an emergency exam. When you get to the office, Dr. Thompson will perform a detailed emergency examination and take X-rays as needed to identify the root cause. Based on his findings, he’ll create a custom treatment plan to get your smile back to normal.
  • Get the care you need. During your appointment, Dr. Thompson may be able to temporarily relieve your pain. However, you may have to return to the office for additional treatment to fully address the issue. Some common services used to treat dental emergencies are fillings, dental crowns, root canal therapy, and extraction.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency in Corpus Christi, the first thing you should do is contact our office. It’s strongly recommended that you save our number in your phone so that you’re prepared in case you ever find yourself in an urgent situation. When you give us a call, we’ll explain how you can handle your emergency until you arrive at our practice. Here are some helpful tips for the most common emergency cases we see:

Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies 

dental professional explaining cost of dental emergency in Corpus Christi

Because every patient is unique, it’s impossible to provide an accurate cost estimate until you come in for an emergency exam. Even if two patients have similar problems, the treatment they need could differ. That’s why Dr. Thompson will need to perform an in-depth examination before explaining your options and going over specific prices. It’s worth noting that failing to seek treatment will only make the cost of your dental emergency increase over time. Getting the help you need will not only get you out of pain, but it’ll save you plenty of money down the line!

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

woman flossing in bathroom mirror

 It’s always a better idea to prevent an emergency rather than to have it treated after it already occurs. Simple preventive measures you can take include:

  • Visiting your dentist twice a year so that they can spot and stop problems early
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene habits at home (brushing, flossing, and so on)
  • Limiting intake of sugary or acidic foods
  • Wearing a mouthguard when playing sports
  • Wearing a nightguard to protect yourself from bruxism
  • Opening packaging with tools instead of your teeth

Dental Emergency FAQs 

patient asking about dental emergency in Corpus Christi

We want you to rely on Dr. Thompson and our team for all of your emergency dentistry needs. Still, before you save our number in your phone and make us your go-to source for urgent dental care, you might have some questions about emergency dentistry and how we approach it. That is why we have compiled the following list of frequently asked questions. If you do not find the information you were hoping for, contact us directly so we can personally satisfy your curiosity.

How Long Can I Wait Before I See the Dentist?

With some dental emergencies, such as a knocked-out tooth, you should receive treatment immediately in order to increase the chances that your tooth can be saved. In other situations, such as a dull toothache or an object lodged between the teeth, you may be able to wait a day or two before you schedule an appointment.

Your best course of action is always to contact us as soon as you can, describe the situation, and apply any advice we give you. We might urge you to visit us right away, or we might give you tips on how you can manage your pain until you can visit us at a time that is more convenient for you.

How Can I Prepare for a Dental Emergency?

Taking a few simple steps can help you prepare to take fast action when a dental emergency strikes:

  • Keep a first-aid kit handy that includes pain relievers, gauze, and perhaps even a tooth-preservation kit.
  • Save our office’s phone number in your contact list.
  • Keep an updated list of your medications and allergies in your wallet.
  • Bookmark this page so you have fast access to practical guidance on how to handle specific types of dental emergencies.

How Soon Will I Experience Pain Relief?

When you arrive for your appointment, our goal will be to provide you with pain relief as quickly as possible. We may use anesthesia and sedation to enhance your comfort level right away. Then, we will perform whatever procedure is necessary to address the source of your pain. After your treatment is complete, your mouth may still be sore for a few days, but you should get back to feeling like your normal self in no time at all.

Should I go to the ER instead of an emergency dentist?

Typically, ERs don’t have dental specialists on staff, which can keep you from getting the long-term treatment that you need to cure your pain. That’s why it’s often better to visit your emergency dentist in Corpus Christi instead. That being said, there are certain situations in which you may require emergency medical care before you’re able to address any dental problems. These include a broken or fractured jaw, deep facial laceration caused by forced trauma, or any issue that impacts your ability to easily breathe or swallow. Otherwise, you’ll likely be better off visiting a specialist for care.