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Teeth Whitening – Corpus Christi, TX

Get Effective Teeth Whitening on Your Own Terms!

A closeup of a brilliantly white smile.

Surface stains can really make it difficult to smile around others. Unfortunately, they can even make it difficult to smile around your closest friends and family members. It dampens self-esteem, confidence, and overall outlook. But you don’t have to settle for your current smile’s appearance any longer. Now, you can take advantage of whitening solutions in our office or at home!

To get started lifting stains and smiling proudly again, schedule an appointment with our office. Dr. Thompson will do everything he can to meet your smile goals.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

A customized whitening tray.

Stains don’t just live on the surface of enamel. Enamel is an incredibly porous material, which means that stains from richly-pigmentated foods and beverages will easily seep through its surface and reach the dentin layer. Stains that exist within the many layers of enamel and dentin are considered to be intrinsic. Intrinsic stains cannot be handled with at-home oral care, which is why they’re so difficult to remove.

That’s where professional whitening comes in. Highly-concentrated bleaching solutions are capable of permeating through enamel safely and treating these hard-to-reach areas of teeth. As the bleaching solutions combine with the stained oxygen molecules inside teeth, it effectively breaks them down and leaves behind a brilliantly white color. Because the ingredients used in professional-grade bleaching solutions aren’t available over-the-counter, a dental office is the only place you can obtain this level of whitening.

In-Office Whitening for Quick Results

When you visit our office for a professional whitening treatment, you can obtain a smile that’s multiple shades whiter in just one appointment. This process involves applying a bleaching gel directly to your tooth enamel and allowing it to sit for at least 15 minutes. If you want to achieve a whiter smile or simply have significant stains to address, then consecutive treatments can be performed as well. In just one hour, you’ll have a smile several shades brighter! Just make sure to brush regularly, especially after eating foods or drinking beverages that can easily stain teeth (i.e. coffee, red wine, tomato sauce etc.)

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

A trip to your local grocery store or pharmacy will show you just how many teeth whitening options are available, but unfortunately, these over the counter smile brightening treatments can’t always deliver on their promises. Take-home teeth whitening kits from our team utilize professional-grade whitening gel and custom crafted application trays to deliver brilliant results up to ten shades brighter. You simply need to wear your application tray with professional teeth whitening gel in place for about 30 minutes a day. You’ll start to see improvement after the first day, but most people need between 10 and 14 daily applications to achieve their desired end result.

Benefits of At-Home Teeth Whitening

While no cosmetic dentistry option is right for every patient, there are many benefits that make at-home teeth whitening great for almost anyone, including:

Ready to give your smile and confidence a boost? Contact our office to schedule an appointment!