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Full and Partial Dentures from the Dentist in Corpus Christi

After significant tooth loss, a full or partial denture completes your smile and renews your ability to eat and smile with ease. Your dentist in Corpus Christi provides the lifelike prosthetic devices in a matter of weeks -- learn more about full and partial dentures from Dr. John T. Thompson today.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

woman smiling after getting dentures

No matter how many teeth you’re missing, dentures offer hope and restoration. To explore your eligibility for this transformative treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. Thompson. He will carefully assess your unique oral health situation to determine whether or not you’re a good candidate. Even if you're currently ineligible, there's still a chance to restore your smile! By improving the health of your gum tissue and bone structure, you could become a potential candidate for dentures.

Effects of Missing Teeth

man smiling with missing tooth

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, some of the most common causes of missing teeth include gum disease, tooth decay, and physical injury. When you have gaps in your smile, the jawbone can begin to shrink due to a lack of stimulation of blood flow. If that happens, the bone tissue can weaken, increasing the risk of further tooth loss.

It’s incredibly important to replace missing teeth. Otherwise, you may experience complications like facial sagging, difficulty eating, trouble speaking, and decreased self-confidence. By filling the gaps in your smile with dentures, you can enjoy a beautiful and fully functioning smile once again!

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

woman smiling during checkup

The good news is that most people who suffer from extensive tooth loss or sensitivity are eligible for dentures. For many years, these prosthetics have helped people eat, speak, and smile with greater confidence. Of course, you must have sufficient healthy gum tissue and jawbone to be considered a good candidate.

In addition, you must be committed to your oral hygiene routine and be willing to properly care for your new and improved smile. Dentures are also far more affordable than other methods of tooth replacement, which is why they’re a popular choice among patients on a budget.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

man smiling in dental mirror

Not a good candidate for dentures? That’s okay! You can explore our other tooth-replacement options:

  • Dental Bridges – If you’re only missing one or a few teeth, you may want to consider dental bridges. All you need are healthy teeth surrounding the gap to support the restoration.
  • Dental Implants – Since this option requires the placement of titanium posts into the jawbone, patients must have a solid bone structure to be eligible. While implants are a bit more expensive than other solutions, it’s worth the investment in the long run!

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

What Is a Denture?

A denture is a set of prosthetic teeth set in a plastic base that looks like your gums. A complete denture replaces a full row of missing teeth in the upper or lower arch, and a partial replaces missing teeth when there is at least one healthy natural tooth remaining in the smile. The complete denture is held in place with natural suction, and a denture adhesive can provide additional security. A partial denture fits in like a missing puzzle piece with metal brackets or clasps.

The benefits of traditional dentures include…

Implant-Retained Dentures

Traditional dentures are a highly effective tooth replacement option, but patients who are eligible for the dental implant procedure should consider the comprehensive solution. A denture retained by dental implants offers superior stability and can last for a lifetime with proper care. Dental implants come at a higher cost upfront and can take up to a year to complete, but they provide the most effective tooth replacement. Dr. Thompson will evaluate your smile and determine which method is best for you.

Denture Maintenance

Take care of your denture properly to keep it functioning properly for as long as possible. Clean your new teeth after each meal, and remove the denture during sleep. When it’s not in use, soak the denture in water or a denture solution for additional cleansing.

To avoid damaging your denture, remember…

With proper care, a traditional full or partial denture can be expected to last around six or seven years before it will need to be replaced. Let your dentist know as soon as your denture becomes loose or uncomfortable.

How Dentures Are Made

If you’ve chosen to receive dentures to rebuild your full smile, then you might have some questions about the process ahead. This could involve wondering what the steps are involving the creation of the prosthetics themselves. How exactly does our team work with a dental lab to construct dentures that are designed to perfectly match your mouth? Regardless if you require a partial or full denture, here’s a brief look at how dentures are made and what you can expect after receiving yours.

What Are Dentures Made Of?

Dentures generally are composed of two parts:

  • The base of the dentures is the gum-colored foundation that rests atop your gumline and supports your smile. This component is usually created out of acrylic but can also be made with nylon, resin, and even metal, such as with partials, as the metal clips will attach to nearby healthy teeth for support.
  • The artificial teeth will typically be made out of acrylic or porcelain. While the two materials are capable of mimicking natural tooth enamel, acrylic is mainly used for partials because it is slightly softer. Porcelain, on the other hand, is much more durable and mostly used for full dentures.

The Denture Creation Process

To create your personalized dentures, the following steps will need to be performed:

  • Firstly, Dr. Thompson will take precise impressions of your mouth that will be used to construct a replica of your gumline, which will then be sent to a trusted dental lab for fabrication.
  • After the lab receives the impressions, they can begin developing a wax model of your gumline, using an articulator to place artificial teeth into the wax replica.
  • Once completed, the wax replica will be sent to us for a fitting. We’ll then send the dentures back to the lab along with any notes for adjusting the prosthetics.
  • The dental lab will then perform a series of adjustments to replace the wax with acrylic as well as to remove any remaining plaster and trim/polish the final results so that the prosthetics look like natural teeth and gums.
  • Afterward, the lab will send the finished dentures to us so that we can fit them onto your smile. We’ll make minor adjustments if necessary to ensure your prosthetics are comfortable and functional in the long run.

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

When you begin wearing your dentures, you may experience the following:

  • Excessive saliva production
  • Soreness or discomfort in the gums
  • Difficulty speaking normally
  • Discomfort while eating

Don’t worry—these symptoms are only temporary! Keep wearing your dentures as directed and you will adjust to your new teeth in a matter of several weeks. You can practice reading aloud to get used to speaking with dentures, and eat softer foods or cut them into smaller bites to speed through the denture adjustment phase. A little bit of repetition and time can go a long way! If you notice any issues, don’t hesitate to notify our team so we can help.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Hand holding upper denture

Your financial situation should never prevent you from enjoying a complete, functional smile. Various factors affect the cost of dentures in Corpus Christi, but our office strives to keep them affordable for everyone. Although there isn’t a flat fee for a new set of teeth, we will create the high-quality denture you need to eat, speak, and smile without spending your life’s savings.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

Calculator on stack of cash

No two mouths are the same, so there’s not a one-size-fits-all denture. Instead, your new teeth are carefully crafted to fit your mouth like a glove. As a result, every treatment plan differs, which will affect the amount you’ll pay. Your denture dentist in Corpus Christi will examine your mouth to create an individualized strategy to treat your tooth loss. While every case differs, you can expect your estimate to include:

  • Preparatory Treatments: It’s not uncommon to require a little prep work, like gum disease therapy or tooth extractions.
  • Number of Arches: You will pay more when treating both arches.
  • Type of Denture: You have several types of dentures to choose from, including traditional or implant methods.
  • Materials: High-quality materials tend to last longer while being more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

Don’t worry, we will review your estimate and explain the fees, so you’ll know exactly what you will have to pay before committing to anything.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Cash spread out on table

Implant dentures are initially more expensive than traditional methods, but they are the most cost-effective long-term. Conventional dentures need to be replaced every 5-7 years, but implant options can last for 30 years or longer with the right maintenance. You’ll save money down the road because you won’t have to pay for replacements. Not to mention, implant dentures are the only solution to replace the roots of your teeth. As a result, it preserves your jawbone to stop common issues associated with tooth loss to lower your overall oral health expenses. You’ll invest in the next best thing to your real teeth when choosing implant dentures.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Credit cards and wallet

Most dental plans can be used to offset the cost of dentures, including implant prosthetics. Although it’s unlikely your dental insurance will pay the entire amount, your policy can cover 50% to 80% of certain steps in your treatment plan, like tooth extractions, imaging, or restorations. A member of our team will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize your annual allowance.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

Man handing woman credit card

Besides using your dental insurance, our office provides multiple financial options to keep dentures in Corpus Christi affordable for everyone, including:

  • Traditional Payments: Our office accepts all traditional payment forms, including cash, checks, and credit cards.
  • Financing: Based on your credit approval, you can pay for dentures using monthly installments with little to no interest through a third-party financing company, like CareCredit.

If you have any questions about paying for dentures, or you are ready to schedule your consultation, contact our office today to speak with a member of our team.

Denture FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Corpus Christi

Dentures in Corpus Christi have been used for generations to restore beautiful, functional smiles, but they are a big investment. Most people have a few concerns before they are ready to commit to replacing their lost teeth, but there’s no reason to worry. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions to calm your nerves until your denture consultation.

Can I sleep with my dentures?

No one wants to get caught without their teeth, but your denture dentist in Corpus Christi will recommend removing them nightly. Initially, you’ll be instructed to wear them for 24 hours, but then you will need to get in the habit of taking them out before bed. Your dentures will restrict blood circulation to your gums that can lead to sores, inflammation, and infection, if they aren’t given time to rest. Taking your dentures out will allow your gum tissue to get the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Not to mention, your mouth is dark and moist, which is the ideal environment for bacteria that can harm your oral and general health. It can also compromise the lifespan of your replacement teeth. You can keep your mouth and body healthy while also protecting your investment by taking your dentures out at the end of the day. Don’t forget to clean them and place them in a soaking solution before calling it a night.

Do I use regular toothpaste to clean my dentures?

Although your dentures will mimic your real teeth, you can’t clean them the same way. Toothpaste is abrasive, which can cause small scratches on your dentures. Not only can this tarnish their appearance, but the small crevasses can trap food particles and plaque. This can lead to unpleasant odors and shorten the lifespan of your prosthetic. Instead, it’s better to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild hand soap or dishwashing liquid. You can also purchase OTC cleaning products designed for denture wearers. Place your dentures in a nightly solution to remove any bacteria left behind by your toothbrush.

Can I still eat steak with dentures?

It’s entirely possible to enjoy a juicy steak with dentures, but your dentist will advise you to limit how often you have chewy meat. It will put extra wear and tear on your dentures, which can shorten how long they last. It can also lead to jaw and gum pain. If you can’t resist a steak, cut it into smaller pieces to make it easier to chew. If you need a little extra stability, consider using an adhesive to hold your teeth in place.

Do upper dentures always cover the palate?

An upper denture that covers the roof of your mouth can diminish the way food tastes. Thankfully, dentures come in many styles, including palateless options. An upper denture can have a horseshoe shape, similar to one that’s used for the lower arch or along with dental implants. Your dentist will discuss all your options to find the perfect style to meet your needs and preferences.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you are in need of new dentures in Corpus Christi or are looking for a dentist to provide superior denture maintenance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Thompson’s office. We offer partial and complete dentures in our state-of-the-art environment. Request an appointment today!